The Reveal

The Reveal

Who am I?

First and foremost, I am a “nerd”. I do well in school at the cost of any form of social life.

I’m introverted, and would rather stay at home for free than spend money going out.

I love playing video games, and detest sports.

I love a good book or just sitting down to draw for hours.

I watch tons of anime & cartoons (which are different, btw) I also have a pet cat.

I love sleeping in and hanging out with friends.

But beyond myself, I just really love making other people laugh.

And if my blog made your day even just a bit brighter, then my job here is done.

I’ve loved writing on this blog, mostly because it’s anonymous and no one here knows me, so there were no expectations.

But now it’s time to reveal. To show you who I am.

I am the MemeMachine, and I am Jordan Coulam.

None of you probably know me, except Inigo Montoya.

To you, I’m just the blond dude with the glasses, the jacket, and the receding hairline that draws all the time. I’ve never shared in class either.

It’s not important that you know me, I’m not out to explain my inner struggles and make meaningful poetry, or to create some online identity.

I’m here to make you smile, and I hope I succeeded in doing so.

Sadly, this is the only picture I have of me. This was over spring break in St. George, when I found some strange soda in an old grocery store. “Join the Party” “Get Hammered & Sickled” “A Taste Worth Standing In Line For”
Image result for when you first meet me vs




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